Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WCI Documentation: Where are you now?

It’s been quite a while since my last post…yes I admit…I have been slacking off with my blog! And just to make sure I don’t injure myself with too sudden overexertion, this post will be short…but hopefully useful!

I just noticed that finally died…and now you get redirected to the oracle site…

So where is my good old beloved “AquaLogic User Interaction (ALUI) Development Documentation” now? And all the rest for that matter?

After a couple of minutes of stupor and fear, I finally found it:

The whole aqualogic documentation is now accessible from:

Ouf, safe! I can now relax again!

It could have been nice if they had created a simple auto redirect to the new link…oh well…

So long!


Ok quick update to this post: I just noticed that some of the links in the left side menu of the developer documentation have not been updated properly…For example the links to the API still go to edocs…

But do not worry: it seems that only the left nav menu is not updated…but the API has definitely been carried over and can be accessed from:

Portal APIs:

Public APIs

Ok that’s it, promise :)


  1. Kudos on finding all those links!
    Fingers crossed one day the Oracle powers that be will develop a single area that hosts all this meaningful content:) *hahah*

  2. Thanks for the legwork and the valuable links!
