Monday, October 27, 2008

ALUI Publisher - Part 3: No Redirect Bug Fix of Bug Fix :)

I have been relatively lazy in regards of my blog lately, and I have plenty of articles that are stacking up...But in the meantime, I thought this one is pretty urgent.

In one of my previous article, ALUI Publisher - Part 2: Increase Performance by enabling REAL Caching - No Redirect Bug Fix, I was explaining how to fix the Publisher published_content_noredirect.jsp (see  in that serie the benefits of using this instead of published_content_redirect.jsp).

Well, I found out a small little bug on my part, and it is definitely worth fixing if you have not done so already. In my corrective code, I was trimming the content string from its end spaces (just to optimized the HTML output)...and I did not think of the likely negative effects, such as if the buffered content does finish on a meaningful space character (such as a sentence separator etc...)

So the updated code with bug fix is: (specifically the trim that is removed)

//if there is content, forward to the requesting client
int buffersize = 2000;
int charread = 0;
char[] content;

//read until no byte is found in the input stream because request content length is no reliable
// UTF-8 is necessary
BufferedReader bisr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));

do {
content = new char[buffersize];
charread =;
out.write(new String(content).trim());
} while(charread > -1);

bisr = null;
content = null;

Better to find it late than never! :)

The code should be updated on the famous (yeah right...) ALUI Toolbox Google project (or should be soon)

So Long.

1 comment:

  1. this is still the case, as I don't have time to tackle this for now (although I know already how i will do it...) Maybe a coming part4 :)

    But knowing that the free text editor does put the full image path when you use its "insert an image" button, you can circumvent that bad behavior for now without too much hassle. (although I agree: the relative path should be working)
